Planned and Actual Consumption

The information is published daily at 12:00 pm (CET/CEST) for the previous gas day (6am - 6am). The forecast for the next gas day (6am - 6am) is published daily at 6:00 pm (CET/CEST). A subsequent correction of the values transmitted is possible, in particular, in order to improve data quality.

Trading Hub Europe (THE) data as of 1 October 2021

Since 1 June 2021, the German Market Areas GASPOOL (GPL) and NetConnect (NCG) are operated by the new THE GmbH and will form a single nationwide German gas market area as of 1 October 2021. The name of the nationwide German gas market area will be Trading Hub Europe (THE) and will be managed by THE GmbH. Hence as of 1 October 2021 the values for the planned and actual gas consumption in Germany are displayed under THE.

Planned and Actual Consumption (daily, MW)

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