New Website of EEX Transparency Platform

On 30 October 2018, EEX launched a new website for its transparency platform.

The new website in modern design simplifies navigation and merges previously separate content from different individual pages on common pages. The number of navigation levels has been reduced and for example content from four different power production detail pages has been bundled on one detail page. Planned and actual values stand vis-à-vis in one graph. To improve clarity, charts are almost exclusively used and complicated tables are omitted. Concrete values can still be retrieved in the respective graphics via mouse-over functions.

The EEX transparency platform is one of the leading platforms for public disclosure of inside information on electricity, natural gas and emission rights in accordance with the European regulations REMIT (Article 4.1) and MAR (Article 17.2). Almost 100 companies from 10 different European countries use the platform for their publications. Approximately 250 Urgent Market Messages are transmitted daily to the platform. Reporting companies may also use the platform to fulfill other disclosure requirements, such as the EU Transparency Regulation.

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