Ørsted Salg & Service A/S, Ørsted A/S and Ørsted AB are disclosing inside information in relation to natural gas on the EEX Transparency Platform

Ørsted Salg & Service A/S, Ørsted A/S and Ørsted AB are as of 1 May 2022 technically connected to the EEX Transparency Platform and are disclosing inside information in relation to natural gas in accordance with article 4 paragraph 1 of REMIT in respect of the business through the platform’s Ad-hoc Ticker.

Furthermore, EEX provides Ørsted Salg & Service A/S a solution to disclose their Gas Transmission and Gas Treatment Plant UMM’s shortly.

Ørsted Salg & Service A/S operates the Nybro Gas Treatment Plant, the South Arne/Nybro Sea Pipeline and the Tyra East/Nybro Sea Pipeline.

Ad-hoc Ticker

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