ACER strongly recommends Inside Information Platforms

ACER has published its REMIT Quarterly issue No. 11 / Q4 2017. The report shows that of the 13,000 market participants officially registered in the Centralized European Register of Market Participants (CEREMP), 8 % use Inside Information Platforms (IIPs) for public disclosure. A registry review further disclosed that thereof only half are actually registered with an IIP. As a result, ACER has serious concerns about the compliance of these companies.

Currently, ACER sees a major issue in market participants using their own website for public disclosure. The Agency also reiterates the stated objective to centralise all REMIT inside information disclosure on platforms.

EEX Transparency Platform offers web feeds required mandatorily by ACER. According to the Agency, this is one of the best incentives for market participants to use an IIP rather than to develop own solutions. The Agency emphasizes that it will collect web feeds only from IIPs.

Market participants that are registered at the EEX Transparency Platform fulfill their disclosure obligations and contribute their part on market integrity and transparency.

For further information and to register at EEX Transparency Platform, please contact

EEX Transparency Services
T: +49 341 2156 233

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