EuroWind publishes wind and solar power data on EEX Transparency Platform

In the context of the launch of the Wind Power Future by EEX, additional EuroWind forecast and feed-in data regarding wind and solar power will be published on the EEX Transparency Platform from today. These data supplement the current reporting on the feed-in of wind and solar power for the German and Austrian market area.

The published fundamental data constitute the basis for the index used for settling the Wind Power Futures. They will be available retroactively from 17th August 2016. In this context, the quarter hourly values will be published separately for wind (on-shore), wind (off-shore) and solar power as well as individually for Germany and Austria and for the joint German/Austrian market area. The hourly values are used for settling the new future contract.

For the purpose of index calculation, the forecast data are published at 18:00 for the respective next day and they are then updated and compared with the values of the transmission system operators at 8:00 am on the next day. In addition, forecast values for the next day are available as early as at 11:00 in the context of the information products.

The feed-in values are based on an extrapolation and are provided with an offset of one hour. An update by every 15minutes is available in the information products.

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