Steag – Decommissioning of power plants


The Bexbach power plant will be decommissioned preliminary by 02/11/2017 at the latest subject to a decision under § 13b para. 1 sentence 3 EnWG.

Weiher 3:

The Weiher 3 power plant will be decommissioned preliminary by 02/11/2017 at the latest subject to a decision under § 13b para. 1 sentence 3 EnWG.

Herne 3:

The Herne 3 power plant will be decommissioned finally by 02/11/2017 at the latest subject to a decision under § 13b para. 1 sentence 3 EnWG.

West 1/2:

The West 1/2 units will be decommissioned finally by 02/11/2017 at the latest subject to a decision under § 13b para. 1 sentence 3 EnWG.

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